Board Meeting Highlights
- MEETING DATE: June 06, 2023

Welcomed visitors: Shelley Espinoza, Donna Schrader, Rochelle Smith
- Introduction of new board members: Bert Hart, David Greenwood, Jeff Hazlewood, Keith Williamson, Nancy Hughes
- All visitors expressed concerns over the Hydrilla & use of the lake is a huge issue. Keith Ellis with the Vegetation committee expressed the Board members share their concerns, and we have hired a new lake management company which recommended we add additional carp and we did, and we are seeing some evidence the carp are working, but we have a very big problem that is going to take time to resolve. Lochow Ranch Management said this summer will be tough again, but by late fall and next spring & summer we will be seeing significant improvement. We just have to patient while nature does its work.
- Shelley Espinoza raised the request to allow the parking lot at Ray Brodin to be marked with 3 pickleball courts. She said their group has their own nets and equipment so the request was simply to allow them to paint the court stripes on the pavement and the ladies would pay for the painting.
- Visitors also raised concerns for condition of the roads. They reported that last year roads were pretty good, but we are starting to see big rocks, and large rocks are a safety concern for walkers.
Committee Reports
Vegetation - Keith Ellis - Reported we are seeing results from the carp, but more floating hydrilla. Bad news is chemical in the boat lanes is not doing much. They are spraying the boat lanes, and they notify Sherry of the boat lane spraying and were not concerned with treating channel and watering grass because distance. We just need to be patient and let nature do its job. Luchow reported by late fall we should see significant improvement and if not, Lochow may provide recommendations for additional carp.
Finance - Trudi Askew – Reported we are fully funded for the budget this year from low owner’s dues with 96% paid. We have only 19 Lot owners still have not paid annual permit dues and registered letters have been sent out. Go as the account is currently at $9.68M as of 4-23-23 and the cash account is not being charged the management fee and is earning 4.9%. Financial Policies & Procedures Manual is starting to be developed by the Accounting Firm, Thompson, Derrig and Craig who will document correct corporation financial controls.
Social - Trudi Askew – Reported a huge thank you from the Knight family who volunteer their time for the Fishing Tournament, and we gave them $100 gift certificate to go out for dinner.
Special Projects - Larry Hubbell – Reported very good participation in the CPR class where 25 people trained in CPR. Suggested we have training on “fire prevention”; confirm if that is what we want to do and have another safety training like we did with CPR focused on fire prevention. Helipads with Robertson County EMS update. Director of Robertson County EMS walked around and selected 3 possible sites. We need to get some signs posted to prevent parking and continue to keep the area mowed. EMS has reported our addresses are very difficult to find in case of an emergency and they have requested each lot owner to provide a 5-digit green reflective physical address for their homes. This has been raised previously, but very few lot owners have addressed.Safety/Channel Marking - Larry Hubbell reported all main channel markers are updated with new reflective tape and in good shape. One down at south side was not reachable due to thick hydrilla and could not be repaired at this time.
Oil & Gas & Water – Alan Beard reported income was budgeted at $300k for this year, but actuals are $113k so the forecast is much lower at $210k so revenue will be short about $100k this year. Comstock is going to start fracing June 25th so they are going to start drawing water around June 25-26th. Expect about 2 weeks of pumping up to 2 inches of water. This is the last draw with no further draws planned this year. Estimated revenue is $250k.
Wildlife - Alan Beard reported lots of Nutria around the lake. We received a request from a lot owner about a nest. They cause damage and best action is to safely take care of themselves. #4 shot is allowed in our regulations. Some beavers have been relocated. Lots of pigs around the lake; pig trap was out but has been damaged; another lot owner asks to move trap closer to their house, but this draws pigs closer to the houses.
Building - Ralph Crum reported two active boat houses under review and Lot 303 will require Board approval, but too premature to vote today. Ralph was notified about a sunken boat, and Josh Havel is providing estimate to remove it. Dilapidated boat house owners are being contacted to address plans for removal. Ralph requested two changes to the Building Permit regarding CCWC having the right to require a “certified” copy of a survey when needed to ensure lot lines and boat houses are aligned. A second request is to require a “silt fence” to prevent new construction erosion run-off into the lake.
Communication – Lisa Sawyer reported the new website was completed and published in April and we have received very positive feedback and very good usage for the Fishing Tournament registration.
Dam & Rec Area - Mark Schinzler was absent, but Bill reported the dam is going to be inspected, and we are working with an engineering firm to get a report accessing the “health” to ensure long-term viability of the dam. Scope of Work by engineering firm was provided.
Roads - Mark Schinzler was absent and no report was provided. Board discussed all the rain has made it difficult to maintain the roads as well as the lake. Culverts need to be cleaned, and we have a bid to clean them by Josh Havel.